You can set up how the buy button behaves in the cart builder order form if the EU legal criteria for buy buttons apply.
Log in to your Digistore24 account.
In the vendor view, open account > order forms.
Create a new order form or click the pencil icon on an existing cart builder order form to open it for editing.
Click the gear icon on the buy button component to open it for editing. The component is already present when creating a new order form. If you have removed the component, you can add it again.
If your order form includes an older version of the component, click the activate new designs button under buy button > settings. This will unlock additional design options for the component. (Otherwise, the design options are immediately available.)
Click the blue button under design to choose from various templates. The button is labeled with the name of the selected template, e.g., standard clean, and changes accordingly. You can customize the selected template using the available settings.
Switch to the buy button > advanced tab.
Under show summary, choose how the buy button should behave if the EU legal criteria for buy buttons apply. Learn more about this in the buy button article.
As a popup when legally required - The button complete order is displayed on the order form. When the customer clicks on it, a popup appears with the actual buy button and an order summary. Use this option for a streamlined order form.
At the buy button if legally required - The buy button is displayed directly on the order form with an order summary. Use this option if you do not want a second step via the popup.
Always above the buy button - The buy button is displayed directly on the order form and always with an order summary. Use this option if the order form should always behave the same way.
Use the additional settings to customize the buy button for your cart builder order form.